How can you get involved with Morning Star (Salisbury)?


We know prayer is really important – do get in touch if you’d like to join our monthly prayer meetings. We have a hybrid model, sometimes meeting in person and sometimes virtually. They are usually on a Wednesday evening at 7.30pm (the last Wednesday in every month). Do get in touch if you’d like to join us.


We have a very small band of volunteers currently but would love to include more. Do get in touch if you’d like to chat further.

Practical help

We don’t have a huge amount of storage space, but we do try hard to connect those with stuff they don’t need with those who do! We do have a small van. We do insist though that anything we accept, or deliver is of good quality. We choose to operate in a way that values others.

Financial help

We are a small charity who are reliant mostly on donations from our incredible individual supporters, organisations (churches) and the odd grant.

If you feel you would like to give…

Cheque payable to Morning Star Salisbury and posted to Hothfield, Coombe Road, Salisbury. SP2 8BT

Bank Payable to Morning Star Salisbury Sort Code 54-41-19 Account Number 29573858 Please give your name in the reference section

Direct Debit If you wish to give regularly, please contact us for a form

CAF – you can donate by clicking here

Just Giving You can fund raise for us through Just Giving

Gift Aid. If you are a UK taxpayer- gift aid generates a further amount for us. Please get in touch and we will send you a form.